Welcome to the Family
We are a group of like-minded, fun-loving, car-driving people. Our club is open to any and all people that love cars - technically you don't even have to own one! There are no fees, no official meetings, no supreme leader, or even a list of over-bearing rules. All that we ask is that you come to some events, represent the club, be nice, have fun, and do your best to help the club and other members when needed. We aren't a non-proft per se, but we do raise money and supplies for good charities that get it to the people that really need it.

We are very excited to annouce changes to the our annual show. We are moving the show to the Grayson County Fairgrounds this year and hope to make this years events bigger and better than ever! This is our big hooray for the year, so please come out and enjoy the day filled cool cars, good music, and the family that is the Black Rock Mafia! Everything starts on Saturday June 10th at 8:00am at Bailey's ZIP Mart. We will once again have custom made trophies! You can download the full-size version of the flyer here: FULL-SIZE FLYER
BRM Cruise Season is Here!

Cruise season is in full-swing, and you can find all the latest shows, cars & coffee, cruises, and hang-outs on our Schedule. Our monthly gatherings are the 4th Saturdays of the month at 5:00 cst at Bailey's Zip Mart in Millwood KY, but you can keep an eye on our Facebook page for our most current activities and info!